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Guillaume de Machaut, 14th century

Released: 2008

1 I.Introit. Rorate celi desuper
2 II. Kyrie
3 III. Gloria
4 IV.Graduale. Qui sedes Domine
5 V. Alleluia. Ostende nobis Domine
6 VI. Sequencia. Ave Maria gratia plena
7 VII.Credo

8 Rex Karole - Leticie - Contratenor - Virgo prius
9 VIII. Offertorium. Ave Maria gratia plena
10 A vous Vierge - Ad te Virgo - Regnum mundi
11IX. Præfatio
12 X. Sanctus
13XI. Agnus Dei
14 XII. Communio. Ecce virgo concipiet

15 Zolomina - Nazarea - Ave Maria

16 XIII. Ite missa est

132- Mahcaut mass.jpg
XI Agnus DeiDiabolus in Musica
00:00 / 03:40


First polyphonic mass cycle composed entirely by the same author, the Mass of Notre Dame by Guillaume de Machaut is probably the best known medieval musical work, at least by reputation! It is a votive mass in honor of the Virgin Mary written around 1362-1363, for a chapel in the cathedral of Reims. Machaut deploys there all his musical science and his mastery, brought to perfection, of all the styles of his time: he does not innovate but shares an extraordinary creative genius, an impressive virtuosity in the rhythmic and melodic writings. , in this 14th century so eventful, so dark, but so artistically fertile...

The Diabolus in Musica ensemble offers a very personal version which respects the conditions of interpretation in the cathedral of Reims in the 14th century, alternating the polyphonic sections of Machaut with the impressive plainsong of a Marian votive mass like the wanted the author.


Tenors: Raphaël Boulay - Olivier Germond

Baritones: Eric Lavoipierre - Jean-Paul Rigaud

Bass-baritones: Emmanuel Vistorky - Geoffroy Buffière - Christophe Grapperon

Bass: Philippe Roche

Recorded at Fontevraud Abbey from October 14 to 17, 2007

Sound recording, editing: Jean Marc Laisné


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  • SoundCloud - Black Circle

"An unusual but devilishly interesting sound paste: a remarkable readability of the musical text, four voices with a strong individuality traveling together rather than blending, and giving room for polyphony to make themselves transparent, open book."

Sophie Roughol - Classica-Repertoire, 2008


"But here is Diabolus in Musica emerging from the vauvert devil and winning the day. Antoine Guerber has devised a beautiful program of liturgical reconstruction by alternating sections of Machaut's Ordinary with the plainsong of an office to the Virgin. And he slips in three very successful grand motets from the end of the 14th century...this option most often sounds with breadth, accuracy and breathing, and with an impressive fullness."

David Fiala - Diapason, January 2009

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